1·She was followed by conservative Republican politician, Sarah Palin.
2·On June 2nd Judd Gregg, a conservative Republican senator, introduced another.
6月2号,共和党保守议员Judd Gregg提出了又一份法案。
3·NARRATOR: The supposedly conservative Republican Nixon opted for wage and price controls.
4·On one side is the American business community. On the other side are conservative Republican Party lawmakers.
5·On one side is the American business community. On the other side are conservative Republican Party lawmakers.
6·And Tuesday another group, this one made up conservative Republican senators led by Pennsylvania's Patrick J. Toomey, introduced its own fiscal plan that would balance the budget in the next decade.
7·Here, you would think, is one subsidy that any Republican fiscal conservative in his right mind would want to get rid of.
8·It is ideologically conservative and traditionalist—whereas Lincoln's Republican Party was the progressive party of its day.
9·Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all.
10·He had won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam and, like me, was a fiscal conservative and social progressive who had been elected in a state far more Republican than Arkansas.